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    When we first arrived in Australia, we were driving to the shops and we got stuck in a massive hailstorm. It was the biggest one that I’ve ever experienced.. We weren’t on any of the the alert lists, and we weren’t prepared for it.  It was an absolutely insane hailstorm. I’ve never seen hailstones as big as that! We were able to take cover quickly, but it spurred me into making more of an effort to find out how to be prepared for next time.

    Welcome to episode 9 of the New Life in Australia podcast

    In this episode, Karen shares six tips that will help prepare you for Australia’s extreme conditions.

    The episode covers:

    • Karen’s early experiences with various storms when she first arrived.
    • Why it’s important to know how to drain your pool if you have one.
    • How to stay up to date with storm and bushfire alerts.
    • How to prepare your home for storm season.
    • How to make smart choices when it comes to choosing a home to rent or buy.
    • A reminder of Australia’s emergency number (which is different from the one you know from ‘home’)
    • Staying sun safe and being aware of beach safety.

    Additional resources

    You can find the AI-generated transcript for episode 9 here. 

    If you enjoyed listening, don’t forget to subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts! All positive reviews would be really appreciated!